The search for your soul mate can be disheartening at times. You find someone that seems to have all the right characteristics, everything that is on your Must Have list. You spend time getting to know him or her and learning all about them. You start to share some very intimate details about your lives and ends. It doesn't make any difference why it just does.
This is where self-doubt can creep in. What did I do wrong? Am I too picky? Is this really worth all the effort? Maybe I'm meant to remain single!
After self-doubt comes frustration. I'm tired of trying to find the right one! I don't want to start over! I'm tired of dating!
These are some very common thoughts and my guess is that every last one of us that has been single for any amount of time has had them at one time or another. I remember shortly after my divorce thinking that within nine months I would be in a relationship with my soul mate. It is now more than four years later and I am still single. I have felt this frustration on several occasions. I will admit, I do have a lengthy Must Have list and that makes my search more difficult. But, I'm not willing to settle for less than extraordinary in my next relationship and neither should you. You need to learn to push past the self-doubt and frustration of searching for your extraordinary relationship.
I firmly believe we all have soul mates that are out there somewhere. It is just a matter of finding them. Where do you look? Everywhere! On-line, the grocery store, church, the gym, singles social groups, concerts, a blind date, and the list goes on and on. Open your mind to possibilities that you hadn't thought of before. You don't always have to be in search of your mate, but do keep your eyes open for the opportunity to meet someone new.
If you are frustrated with the relationships you get into, need help developing your Must Have list, or just have questions about dating, feel free to contact us here or e-mail us at info